Directors Message

Sanskar Gurukul Vidyapeeth Samiti

Director’s Desk


It is my greatest delight to be recognised as a social worker and to work for the benefit of society. My life’s purpose has always been honesty and persistence. Love is destined to be unconditional if you desire to feel its purity and so my aspirations have always led me to cure broken hearts with tenderness, heal their scars, and sprinkle never-ending waves of laughter on their misery. 

The mental peace we attain after serving the needy is beyond any price. I think we all carry unique stories of pain in our lives, to some people the pain becomes unbearable and that makes them lose the meaning of life. But, I don’t let them lose it, I jump off the cliff to rescue them from drowning, knowing I can’t save everyone though I keep working more as I’ve learned that those who never give up and keep trying can never fail to accomplish their dreams.

Over the years, especially during the outbreak of covid19, I discovered my truest passion and that is to help those needy neglected families suffering for decades. I’ve learned to hope, love, and continuously preach toleration to my limitless human strength. 

Each and every person that we’ve served, conquer a special place in our hearts and they’ll remain there till our last breath. 

There’s no right time or moment to start social service, if your heart says now is the right time, then listen to it and follow with affection and modesty.       

So let’s hold each other’s hands as tightly as we can and fight all the storms life has planned to break us. It is famously said, “Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow”…

Rajat Pratap Singh

( Director)